
MYO Outdoor Remedies

Recipe #1 - Works as Multipurpose bug Non-toxic Pesticide (Flies, Snails, Worms, Moths, Mosquitos, Nats, etc)
Blend 5-10 Garlic Cloves with about 1 cup Water
Let sit over night and strain with a cheese cloth
Add to 1 gallon of water and add a couple drops of liquid dish soap (helps mixture stick to leaves)
Use a garden sprayer to spray both the leaves & undersides of leaves
Repeat in 2-3 weeks or after a major rain fall

Recipe #2 - Works as Multipurpose bug Non-toxic Pesticide & Pests deterrant(Flies, Snails, Worms, Moths, Mosquitos, Nats, Rodents, Rabbits, etc)
Blend 3 Large Red (spicy) Peppers with about 1 cup Water
Add to 1 gallon of water and add a couple drops of liquid dish soap (helps mixture stick to leaves)
Use a garden sprayer to spray both the leaves & undersides of leaves
Repeat in 2-3 weeks or after a major rain fall
**WARNING: This recipe can cause your plants to have a spicy taste because of the strength of the peppers.  Do not use if you are harvesting soon or do not do spicy foods.

Herbs (here are a few herbs that when planted tend to get rid of pests but no guarantee)
Pennyroyal repel fleas, mosquitoes, ticks and chiggers
Rue repels Japanese beetles
Marigolds repel nematodes
garlic and chives will repel aphids
Basil repels flies and mosquitoes
Mint repel ants
Petunias repel aphids and tomato worms

Weed KillerMix 1/2 cup Salt, 1/2 cup liquid dish soap, 1 gallon Vinegar and let sit for 2 minutes
Add to a garden sprayer and spray weeds or driveway/sidewalk cracks - Do not use in your garden the vinegar will kill it.
Vinegar kills the weed and salt keeps it from growing back

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know most of these home remedies and I have to see if the basil repelling mosquitos one works. Thanks for the info.


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