
Turkey & Tortellini

Ingredients Needed:
7 cups chicken broth
1.5 # filled tortellini (Cheese, meat, or spinach filled)
3 cups diced turkey
1 tsp celery seeds
2 cups sour cream
1/4 cup diced chives

  1. Bring chicken broth to a boil in a 5 QT pan.  Add tortellini and cook until tender to bite.  Remove tortellini (leaving broth) and keep warm.
  2. Add turkey and celery seeds to broth and cook thoroughly until turkey is warm and no longer pink.  Remove turkey and spoon over tortellini.
  3. Place sour cream in a small pan.  Stir in chives and 1/2 cup of the hot broth.  Mix over low heat until hot and spoon over turkey and tortellini

This meal is best served with a citrus salad.

Makes 6 servings in approximately 40 min.

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