
Getting Started...How to Coupon - Key Points

How to Coupon - Key Points

  1. Your coupons will come from your local newspapers in the Sunday delivery.  You can also acquire coupons from store loyalty mailers or inside purchased products.  Another great way to get coupons in through freebie sign ups - Not only do you get a free sample/product but you almost always get a coupon with it.  You can also get coupons off the Internet (sometimes abbreviated IP for Internet printable). 
  2. Most companies have coupons on their sites to print as well as a couple sites I featured that compile all sorts in one place.  These include RedPlum,, Cellfire & Target.
    • If you are going to print your coupons, most will only allow 2 coupons/IP address (per computer)….. if you have a wireless printer, utilize your phone, ipod, laptop, desktop.
    • You can adjust your printer settings to save on ink.  Change your printer options to print black and white only, draft quality and you can even reduce the actual size of the coupons.
  3. Smart Source (SS), Red Plum (RP), & Proctor & Gamble (PG) are your best sources for coupons. SS, RP are in most Sunday newspapers. PG is usually once a month, normally the 1st week of the month.
    • In case you are confused whether a coupon is a manufacturers or a store coupon - all Mfr coupons start with a 5 or a 9 in their bar code.  Store coupons can only be used in the specified store and Mfr coupons can be used at almost any store that accepts them.
  4. Most sales start on Sundays, with Kroger as the exception, starting on Monday (Michigan/Midwest area)
  5. Most items follow a 3 month sale cycle, meaning: If it is on sale now it will more than likely go on sale again in 3 month's.  So when purchasing items in bulk, purchase enough for a 3 month supply. 
  6. When heading to the store, PREPARE!  Know what you want, have a list, have your coupons clipped and ready for the items you are going to buy. 
    • Always bring your coupon binder/organizer - you never know what you may find on closeout, clearance, or an unlisted sale.
  7. When heading to checkout, review your list & coupons.  Be sure there is nothing you missed and that everything you planned on having a coupon - has one. 
    • Be kind to your cashier - do not stack your coupons on each item, they don't like that and it slows them down. 
    • Know which coupons need prices written on them such as freebie items and let the cashier know so they don't have to go back through the entire order to find that specific item.
  8. Profile your cashier. Young, male cashiers are far less likely to care about how many coupons you have and are less likely to be a Nazi about it.  This is in no way so you can use a fraudulent coupon or a coupon in a fraudulent way.  It is merely for the purposes of speeding the process up in a 100% legal way. 
  9. Use reusable bags.  Not only is it green friendly but most stores will give you a monetary credit for each bag used.  The credit is usually $0.05/bag OR if you have the CVS green tea leaf, its scanned each use and every 4 scans earns you $1.00 Extra Care Bucks (ECB).  So essentially that is $0.25/bag - 5 times the amount other stores give!
  10. Finally, thank your cashier (and bagger).  Always make friends with your cashiers and show them you appreciate their help and hard work.

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