
Little House On The Prairie – Season One Deluxe Remastered Edition Review and #Giveaway

        The Little House on the Prairie was a classic for the generation before me. I remember falling in love with the show because my mother would watch it. I feel as if it was the first of family sitcom/weekly shows to really make an impact in households. The characters were ones you could relate to in some way and it always left you with the warm and fuzzies at the end.  So when Lionsgate asked me to review the Little House On The Prairie – Season One Deluxe Remastered Edition arrives on Blu-ray (plus Digital HD UltraViolet), DVD (plus Digital Ultraviolet) and Digital HD March 25th, I was all about it.

        In honor of the 40th Anniversary of the pilot movie premiere, Lionsgate has completely restored the series in high definition.  This includes all 24 original broadcast length episodes of the premiere season, plus the 96-minute pilot movie. "Not seen since their original TV broadcast, all twenty-four season one episodes are now presented complete and uncut, newly restored and remastered for optimal picture and sound quality."

        "Michael Landon and Melissa Gilbert both earned Golden Globe® nominations for their unforgettable roles as Charles Ingalls and Laura Ingalls in the inspiring story, based on Laura Ingalls Wilder’s best-selling and much-loved “The Little House on the Prairie” book series which chronicles the dramatic, gripping adventures of a young pioneer family’s struggle to build a new life for themselves on the American frontier of the 1870s.  Relive all the heartwarming adventures from season one—from the arrival of Charles Ingalls and his family in Walnut Grove, through the building of a new home and friendships to battling for their lives against a vicious blizzard."

        Needless to say I was thrilled to hear about the release on DVD and knew it was something I would enjoy sharing with my daughter. Filled with wholesome stories and lessons. It felt awesome to watch something like this again especially with the way TV show and movies are nowadays.  I have to say we thought all the episode were cute and a great way to spend a few evenings together for a mother/daughter evening!  I am also looking forward to sharing this series with the boys.

Blu-ray SRP: $38.99
DVD SRP: $29.98
Recommendation:  This is a classic which I am more than thrilled to now have in my home.  I believe that it is worth every penny to have something of a "quality" nature in everyone's home today.

Giveaway:  Lionsgate is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers a Little House On The Prairie – Season One Deluxe Remastered Edition on DVD to have of their own!
*Read my Disclosure


  1. I LOVE Little House - I watch the re-runs on Hallmark if I am home and able. My kids are now growing up with it :)

  2. My favorite show is NCIS. I have been watching this show from day one, and Love the intrigue and mystery that goes in finding out how a murder took place. I like the forensics of this show.

  3. When I was growing up I loved the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew Series.

  4. My all time favorite series is Buffy The Vampire Slayer!
    I love that show so much!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  5. My favorite TV show is NCIS because it solves a mystery of what happened to a person and shows how they do it with forensics!

  6. Sounds weird, but The Secret Life of the American Teenager, is my absolute most favorite show in the entire universe!

  7. Seriously, not just because of the giveaway, one of my favorite series when I was young was Little House on the Prairie. I would love to own a whole season and watch them all over again.

  8. My favorite all time show would be the Brady Bunch!

  9. Little House on the Prairie, Flipper, Lassie - they were all great shows! Love when I catch some old reruns

  10. That's a hard question. Perhaps Kolchack the Nightstalker. i have always loved horror.

  11. I haven't been following your blog for that long. I love that you have a lot of very good giveaways. To me that means you are trustworth and work hard because you have so many comapnies asking you to review for them. Thanks.

  12. I just have a question about what is the Blog button and where does it go. Is this entry only for bloggers. I like your blog because you have giveaways on movies, TV show DVD, and a lot of unique and different giveaways that I like.

  13. Scarecrow and Mrs. King was the absolute best!

  14. One of my favorites besides Little House was The Golden Girls.

  15. My favorite TV series is Roseanne!

  16. I always love all in the family

  17. An ongoing favorite is the Law & Order franchise. Maybe my all time favorite is House.

  18. what a great show! I'd love to introduce my daughter to LHOTP!!

  19. I love FUll house, i think i've seen every episode and watch it all the time on nick at night

    ssgsweeps @ gmail .com

  20. I'm gonna have to go with The Walking Dead... that show keeps me watching...

  21. I loved Full House!

  22. I love Lucy is my all time favorite...but LHOP is 2nd!

  23. My favorite show is the reimagined Battlestar Galactica.

  24. I've been watching Doctor Who since I was 8 years old :) That has to qualify it as my all time, favorite tv show! :)

  25. My favorite tv shows of all time is Friends or Big Bang Theory. I've watched the both a thousand times. lol

  26. My granddaughters love watching Little House On The Prairie, one of the best series ever made! Thank you for the opportunity to win this!

  27. The BIONIC WOMAN. Long time ago.
    I found it again on "COZY" tv.

  28. great show. love it

  29. My favorite is a toss up between Criminal Minds and The X-Files

    scarter305 at aol dot com

  30. I know it's not very creative but my all-time favorite TV series is How I Met Your Mother. When it first came on the air, I hated it. I didn't really understand what the show was about - I thought it was about a bunch of spoiled 20 year old's living in NYC - a knockoff of Friends. A few years ago, the local TV station started showing re-runs of HIMYM right after the evening news. I was so lazy that I never bothered to change the channel. The more I watched it, the more I liked it. Last year, I started watching the new episodes every Monday night. I was so sad when the show ended a couple weeks ago but I loved the finale and thought it was a fitting end. I would love to buy every season on DVD and spend all day watching it from start to finish. Other favorite series of mine are Scrubs, Friends, Boy Meets World (heard this is coming back this summer), What About Brian? (they cancelled it in the middle of the second season), 666 Park Ave (another show that was cancelled in the middle of the season) and Lost.

  31. myfavorite series was Cosby show! Loved it

  32. My favorite was cosby show!

  33. My favorite show was The Addams Family

  34. My favorite all time series is the original Batman series with adam west.

  35. NYPD Blue. The Wire was pretty much the best thing on TV, ever. I have never watched a full episode of Seinfeld. I never found Jerry Seinfeld all that funny, and the show just never caught my fancy.

  36. Little House on the Prairie is seriously my favorite! I would love love love this!!

  37. My favorite shows are little house on the prarie, highway to heaven, and I loved season 9 of little house

  38. I love little house on the prairie season 9 was the best

  39. growing up my fav show was MASH - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  40. My favorite all-time show is I Love Lucy or The Monkeys...

  41. From my childhood the Little House on The Prairie was definitely my favorite, but more recently The Secret Life of the American Teenager has topped no. 1

  42. Love Love Loved Little House on the Prairie! Would love to win this!!

  43. Wow. IDK. I really liked Seinfeld and was super sad when it came to an end. How can you not love a show about nothing!?

  44. I love your blog and don't change anything.

  45. Golden girls because I loved watching it with my grandparents

  46. My favorite show ever was Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

  47. My favorite all time show is I Love Lucy.
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  48. Degrassi was my favorite for such a long time.

  49. melissaandkeith millerApril 21, 2014 at 1:21 AM

    I loved saved by the bell and full house

  50. My all time favorite show is the Simpsons. It's been on since I was a kid and still going. I want the whole collection.

  51. My favorite would have to either be Stanford and sons, golden girls, or Brady bunch

  52. My all-time favorite show was Mad About You. I still look for reruns to watch.

  53. I love Lucy is the best it is still so funny to watch!

  54. All time favorite was the Andy Griffith Show.

  55. My favorite series is House MD

  56. Besides Little House on the Prairie, my other fave is Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman :)

  57. My favorite show was and still is Doctor who, and as a kid I also loved Little House on the Prairie.

  58. My favorite show is Star Trek The Next Generation. Can watch it anytime without being bored

  59. My favorite show growing up was The Facts of Life!

  60. i really like the waltons, it's my favorite tv show ever. little house is great too!

  61. My favorite series is Downton Abbey. I love it!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  62. I like the giveaways on your blog. I'd like to see even more giveaways.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  63. the X-Files as it was so unique and could be scary

  64. Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman- was my favorite at the time. I would imagine living in that time and pretending to be them. Much simpler times!

  65. Have Gun Will Travel was my favorite. I loved Richard Boone.

  66. My favorite shows used to be Charmed & Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Now my favorite show is The Fosters.

  67. My favorites were Sex and the City and Homicide: Life on the street.


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