
Hashtag #Cube Classic Review and #Giveaway

#Cube: HashtagCube is for viewing and sharing your most important moments
        I'd like to consider myself to be a pretty easy going chick but if I have to be honest with myself, I'm not a very flexible individual.  I am extremely loyal and very traditional when it comes to change.  One of the biggest eye openers in becoming a blogger is that change is necessary especially when it means keeping up with the changing technology.

        When I started out blogging, I was extremely hesitant to create certain social media accounts.  I had this fear of being perceived as someone who hops on board the trendy trains.  It took a year to create a twitter and even longer for instagram.  Now that I have, I cannot believe I went so long without these two forms of social media (and especially instagram).  I was recently asked to review a new type of decor for the home and gladly welcomed the opportunity.

        The HastagCube which at first I assumed was just like any other digital picture frame.  Again, I was very wrong.  While the #Cube is similar in the way that it displays your favorite pictures, it provides so much more.  The #Cube is a live-stream for your social media photos.  Of course you can keep it plugged in like the typical frame OR you can carry this with you to stream photos in real-time and wirelessly!

        Featuring an 8” square LCD touch screen display, the #Cube constantly streams pictures from your favorite hashtags or accounts you follow.  Pick someone or something specific OR set a specific hashtag to follow (ie. a hashtag specific to your family).  Whether it be pictures of your children, family, favorite vacations, celebrities, or funny pictures you've taken with your friends, the #Cube is perfect.

Available to purchase/Cost:  $149.99 #cube in Classic 
Recommendation:  Super cool for any style home!  Pricing may seem a little high as it does to me but with the quality and real-time streaming, you really can't go wrong.  This would make a great gift for almost any one in your life!
Instagram: Hashtagcube
Facebook: Hashtagcube
Twitter: @Hashtagcube

Giveaway:  HashtagCube is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers a #Cube Classic of their own as well as a 2nd reader a chance from the Cheshire Cats Looking Glass Blog!
*Read my Disclosure


  1. We got a new kitten this year!! He's a mostly black cat, with a white stomach. I named him Binx, after Hocus Pocus. He's my little snuggle bug!! <3 <3

  2. My favorite memories of 2014 were when I went and babysat my grandson for a whole week last summer. Our big Memorial Day, Fourth Of July, and Labor Day weekend get togethers with the whole family were great also!!!

  3. My greatest memory of 2014 was going on a trip to Blackhawk, Colorado with my husband.

  4. my favorite memories of 2014 were traveling! St. Louis, Colorado Springs, and Door County, WI!!


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