
What Map WOOD You Design #Giveaway Event @MOON_Blogs

8x8 Wood Cut Map w/ Marker
ARV $146 Each

Hosted by:
A Lucky Ladybug
Make Our Own Network

Handcrafted wood-inlay maps, designed by you.
Every custom wood-inlay map artwork that we sell commemorates a special place for someone. From hometowns to college campuses to old vacation spots, we’ve seen a lot of stories from Woodcut Maps owners.
This giveaway is open to the Continental US only (because of shipping costs) and will end on December 8th, 2015.  Good Luck!!
*Read my Disclosure


  1. My map would be of the small town my brother lives in. Love the variety of woods to choose from.

  2. I would do a map of my home town as it means a lot to me.

  3. I love this! My map would be of Rome because that is my husband and myself's favorite destination ever. I love how easy they make it to pick your map selection on line!
    addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
    Ashley C

  4. I would love to do a map of the town my father has lived in for his whole life. He would love the Red Oak wood for the land.

  5. i would get a florida map i was born and raised in florida.

  6. I would like Duluth, MN. It's where we live.

  7. Thank You for the giveaway…would love a woodcut map of my university alma mater, or perhaps one of the town in Ireland where my Mom was born.


I love hearing from my wonderful readers. Leave any type of feedback you have and if it applies I will answer as quickly as I see the message!!