
5 Renewable Energy Sources

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                    Earth harbors many different species of life. There are millions of plants and animals that have called this planet home for billions of years and many more, including humans, that will continue to reside here well into the future. Due to the longevity of the planet, people tend to treat its resources as though they are unlimited, which is far from the case. Forms of energy like oil, coal, natural gases, and nuclear power, once depleted, can't be replenished. Once consumed, these forms of energy also create gas emissions that are harmful to the atmosphere. There are however renewable resources that can be utilized to ensure that the planet remains a habitable place for its current and future occupants. Here are five sources of renewable energy that you can use today.

Solar Energy
Solar energy is the use of the sun's heat and radiation to create electricity. The sun has been around for about five billion years and will continue to be around for at least five billion more. It is the source of light for this planet. It controls how long the day is, it controls your sleep cycle, it is the source of energy for your food and your food's food, so why not use it to power your electricity too. With the use of solar panels, the sun's rays are converted into useable energy.

Wind Energy
To use the wind as an energy source, turbines collect the wind's kinetic energy. The wind moves across the blades of the turbine to make them spin. These turbines are connected to a generator that creates electricity. Wind is consistently created by the sun disproportionately warming the earth, so this is another energy source that will continue to be around for years to come.

Hydropower is the use of water to create energy. This is achieved in a few different ways. The method you're probably most familiar with is the use of a dam. With this method, a dam is constructed to raise the level of a body of water and control the flow of that water to turbines that generate electricity. Another form of hydropower is tidal power, or using the natural push and pull of the ocean's tides caused by the gravitational effects of the sun and moon. Wave power is another form of marine energy that works similarly. In these two instances, the natural movement of the water is used to power turbines to generate power.

Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy is using the heat that is in the earth's crust to create electricity. The earth is made up of layers that get hotter the deeper you go, with an iron molten core in the center. By drilling just a few miles into the earth's crust, the heat will naturally convert water that is present into steam to power steam turbines and generate power.

Biomass Energy
Biomass is the use of organic matter, primarily plants, to create electricity. Using plants for power takes the phrase Verde Energy, or green energy, to a whole new level. This form of energy creation typically works by burning biomass for heat, letting it decompose to create gas, or converting it to make a renewable liquid. With this form of energy, it is important to replace the organic matter that is used as not to deplete the organic resources.

These energy sources are just a few of the most popular types of renewable energy. Not only can renewable energy be implemented now, but these are also the energy sources of the future. The current consumption of fossil fuels cannot be sustained for long-term use. These green energy sources are healthier for the planet and are able to be used for decades to come.

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