
ChildUp Early Learning Cards Math and Logic / Early Zoo App for the iPhone Review and Giveaway

     Being that Dane is almost four now, I have been spending more and more time working with him on
early educational lessons.  I've told you all Dane has always been way ahead of all the milestones and
thats not me just bragging about my child.  As proud as I am I also think thats not a good thing.  You
then have children who don't know what to do with themselves because they are too little to get into the
things that they are smart enough to.  After searching the internet for early education tools I discover
ChildUp which has "practical and efficient solutions to raise successful and happy children".

     I was given the opportunity to review the ChildUp Early Learning Game Cards Math and Logic #1
(count to 10) and #2 (count to 20).  The ChildUp Early Learning Game Cards are a series of interactive
and educational tools for parents, caregivers, and early teachers who intend to develop, by playing in an
interactive way, the learning, cognitive and social skills of their children – boys and girls from 1 to 5
years old – and to best prepare them for school and future academic excellence.  These were great! 
Almost immediately Alana opened the flash cards and begun working with Dane on his adding.  We were
already past the counting to ten but these helped with our addition.  This also helped move Dane quickly
through twenty.

     I was also asked to review their EarlyZoo Application which was created for the iPhone.  I don't
have an iPhone so my close friend Chantel downloaded the app for her 2.5 year old (I usually ask her to
help me in reviewing certain products). 

Written by Chantel:
     Early Zoo is a fantastic app that teaches basic information about animals to toddlers. The main
feature that my little monster liked the best was the animal sounds. They feature 80 animals for your
child to learn about and play with. Anything from basic domestic animals, like dogs, cats and pigs to
exotic animals like flamingos, iguanas, and hyenas. The actual interface is pretty basic, you can view
them in 'left to right' swipe lists or in their normal environment landscape. The chicken & cow are in a
barnyard, the African mammals are on the Sahara and the reptiles are in a marshy pond.
Chase absolutely loves this app, constantly asking for 'Moo' because he loves the barnyard landscape
right now.  His animal sound vocabulary has tripled in the 3 short weeks that we've had the app.  Only
down side is that sometimes you have to press on the animal several times in the landscape section to
actually hear the sound. Not ideal for little fingers who are just learning how to use a touch screen with
so-so hand eye coordination.

Cost:  Child Up Early Zoo iPhone app - $0.99
         Early Learning Game Cards Math and Logic #1 and #2 - $9.99 ea
Available to purchase: 
Recommendation:  I thought the flash cards were a great tool to use with pictures for a child of Dane's
age although a little costly.  I would love to see both sets for $9.99 together not separately.  Though, I
am very excited to get more products from ChildUp to further our education along as early as we can!
"There was a slight confusion in the app store; It is marketed as a free app with 80 animals.  In reality,
you only get 20 animals and you are then asked to do an in app purchase of the additional 60 for the
$0.99 price.  All in all we love this app and it is definitely worth your dollar!" Chantel
Facebook:  ChildUp
Twitter: @ChildUp


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    (Ronalee Duncan)

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    thanks for the chance
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