
Loot Crate Review and #Giveaway

        My husband is a hardcore gamer.  So much that he has turned both my boys into little gamers as well.  It used to drive me crazy, but I've quickly come around to the idea of it and all the benefits it actually has on the boys.  That being said, everyone in my family loves when we discover anything new and game related!  In an online search for something completely different, I discovered a brand called Loot Crate.

        "Loot Crate is the monthly gear and swag club for those that live and embrace the geek and gaming lifestyle."  Because I have quickly fallen in love with the monthly subscription trend, I was thrilled when Loot Crate asked me to review one of their monthly boxes.  I told Kevin about it right away and needless to say he was pretty psyched too!  We were very eager to see what would arrive in our "crate".

        Upon arrival, the boys readily awaited opening the box as I made them wait until their fellow gamer (Daddy) was home from work.  I thought it would be cute for them to all open it together to discover the goodies!  The April box theme was "DRAGONS".  Included were themed items from games/shows like Game of Thrones and Elder Scrolls.

        There were items like dragon jerky, a variety of dice, pins, and the boys favorite - two toy characters.  Each month you can expect 6-8 new items in your box ranging from toys and gear to snacks and even hardward.  Now the boys were more than happy with the toy ninja (no idea what this has to do with dragons) and the viking, but these were the only things of interest to any of the guys in my family.  I would have liked to find a bit more quality items or even game downloads or trials.

Available to purchase/Cost:  $13.37 + $6 S/H One Month Subscription.
Recommendation:  I think this is a bit pricey for the amount of products that arrived and the quality.  This is a lower priced monthly subscription so I understand the need for a smaller amount of products and the toys were not cheaply made toys.  However, I don't know that by choice I would have purchased the toys for nearly $20 in a normal circumstance.
Facebook:  Loot Crate 
Twitter:  @lootcrate

Giveaway:  Loot Crate is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers 1 monthly Loot Crate of their own!
*Read my Disclosure


  1. I think my guys would like the CELEBRATES box. These are so cool.

  2. I personally like May's Loot Crate box best beings it has Game of Thrones items in it buuuuuuuuut if I had to choose for past I'd say January's. I like all the items in the box. I love Star Wars, grew up on Superman, watched Star Trek from time to time, enjoyed NASA and learning about space and I could never quite figure out the Rubik's cube. Haha.

  3. I'd personally love to see more giveaways geared towards gamers. We don't get much love in giveaways it seems. Lol. Other than that I love your blog and all your other giveaways you offer. :)

    1. Believe me Carla If I could I would! Doesn't seem there are a ton of gaming companies willing to work on advertising :(

  4. I'm more of a casual gamer myself, so I haven't heard of most of the games that the stuff in these boxes come from, but I do know Minecraft! So my favorite box would be the January one because it has the Minecraft calendar.

    Seriously though, it would be fun to get introduced to new games each month. Maybe it would turn me into more than just a casual gamer.

  5. I like Animate from Sept 2013 - because of the TMNT :-)

  6. My favorite is the Survive crate because I like zombies!

  7. I like Animate from Sept 2013 because of the TMNT My grandkids love the TMNT

  8. My favorite past crate is the September 2013 "Animate" crate. There were a lot of cute little Ninja Turtles and Ren and Stimpy things that my kids would love in that one.

  9. the animate for my grandkids

  10. I liked last November's "Celebrate!" crate.

  11. My brother actually just got the Dragons one last month and we loved it!

  12. May's Loot Crate box is the one i liked best.

  13. Thanks for the chance to win! Want one of these!

  14. I like the animate loot crate from September 2013. This one has items from shows I have watched in the past and those I still currently watch. The items are honestly amazing for it.

  15. console wars because there's really cool, usable stuff in there

  16. SHERRIE C.

    I like that the boxes come with gaming collectables and I think January's box would have been a big hit with my husband. He loves any and all things Star Wars related. My son's would have loved the October 2013 box with all of the Zombie goodies since they are big fans of 'The Walking Dead' TV series.


  17. I love the ANIMATE crate box because it has so much of what I love

  18. I like the SEPTEMBER 2013 "ANIMATE!" crate because I'm a huge cartoon fan and absolutely love Ren & Stimpy, TMNT and Simpsons.

  19. the survive crate I like scary zombie creatures. thankyou, ken

  20. I think my husband would have loved the console wars box! First off, hes a geek, second off it had batman!

  21. I like the January Launch one. We are huge fans of sci-fi.

  22. OCTOBER 2013 "SURVIVE" looked awesome!!

  23. I love January's crate. We are all such huge Star War fans. We were raised on Star Wars and we in turn raised the kids to be huge fans of Star Wars too. Its always an event here when we do a Star Wars marathon. Sometimes we even dress up. This would be really appreciate in this house with all of us being gamers!!!

  24. I like the September 2013 Animate crate the most because I love cartoons!

  25. would love boys would love :)

  26. I love your giveaways! I would like to be able to see my comments after I submit them.


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