
The Cool and Natural Form-Fit Pillow Review

        When Form-Fit Pillow contacted me to review the Cool and Natural Form-Fit Pillow I was pretty excited as I've been looking at getting a new pillow for my husband since he can be picky about his pillows.  While I am the pickiest of all when it comes to my bedding and pillows, I knew this might be perfect for him being a form fit pillow.

        Made in USA with 100% Unbleached Cotton, the pillow is soft without even adding a pillow case.  I would however recommend one as you will see why in my pictures below.  Filled with Buckwheat Hull filling which is naturally antimicrobial and  dust mite resistant.  This should also help with allergies as well as keeping cool throughout the evening.

        Because of the Buckwheat Hull filling the pillow can be shaped to support any type of sleeper and will hold up over time.  My issue with this pillow is mess it can create.  I wish there was a bag inside or two cases of some sort.  As you can see if the pillow comes unzipped or a child like mine unzips this, it can cause a huge mess!

        I though the the pillow was very stiff and uncomfortable to sleep on, so it just didn't last long for me.  Although I will say, I noticed I sweat less throughout the nights I slept on it.  Kevin is more of a 'middle of the road' guy.  He thought the pillow was comfortable but not ideal since he prefers flatter pillows.  Alana likes the pillow quite a bit which I think is because she feels better supported especially when staying up late watching TV.

Available to purchase/Cost: Cool and Natural Form-Fit Pillow
Recommendation:  My recommendation is different depending on who you are...if you are like me, I would not waste the money.  If you're like my husband it might be worth it at a little cheaper price.  And if you are like my daughter, it would be worth the purchase however it seems pretty pricey in my opinion.

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