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"Swim, Sun, and Fun" Giveaway

While we haven't seen any deer in our yard or noticed any issues with my garden plants being eaten yet, I know it is an issue that could arise living in the area we live in. We've seen ton of deer on the surrounding properties that back up to the woods on our street so I know they are here. I am hoping they don't feel the need to wonder over to my tiny garden when they have the neighboring farms to choose from for their buffets.
BUT, on the slight chance they decide to start heading my yard's way, I will be prepared! Thankfully the folks over at Havahart asked me to review their Deer Off® Waterproof Deer Repellent Stations. I was sent over one of their 6 packs to give a try in my garden area.
Using 100% dried blood protected in a patented weatherproof housing, air flows through the device while remaining completely dry. Because dear have heightened senses compared to humans, this is not noticeable to anyone in and around the garden (or wherever you choose to place these). Scent is spread around making the deer think there is trouble nearby and keeping them away.
Now even though we haven't had a problem yet, there has still yet to be any sign of the wild life heading into my garden since placing these outside. I will say that because my chickens are next to the garden, it has not worked to keep them out of the garden as they seem un-phased by it themselves. I love the fact that this causes no harm to the animals and only keeps them away. Plus I don't have to worry about my curious son getting into some horrible chemical when I'm not looking!
Havahart Website
Facebook: Havahart
Twitter: @havahart_brand
Pinterest: Havahart
Giveaway: Havahart is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers a Deer Off® Waterproof Deer Repellent Stations of their own!
*Read my Disclosure
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